Beyond Ethnic Tinge or Ethnic Fringe: The Emergence of New Israeli/Palestinian Musical Competences & Connections
A musical scene emerged in Israel in the 1990s, around unprecedented interaction between Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Druze musicians in Israel and the West Bank.2 Most frequently marketed at home as musika etnit Yisraelit (Israeli ethnic music), it involves mixing elements of various Middle Eastern and non-Middle Eastern musical practices. Little of the music created in this scene is identifiable as specifically Israeli, Palestinian, Jewish, or Arab, but the confluence of people is uniquely Israeli-Palestinian, and much of the music they have produced is also unique to the particular experiences, desires, and understandings developed by these musicians in this milieu. While this scene has attained neither the stature of art music nor the market share of popular music, it has considerable significance within local and international political, social, and cultural frameworks.