Hearing Israel: Music, Culture and History at 60

Guest editors' Forward 


  • James Loeffler University of Virginia Author
  • Joel Rubin University of Virginia Author


Guest editors' Forward 

Author Biographies

  • James Loeffler, University of Virginia

    James Loeffler is Assistant Professor of Jewish History at the University of Virginia and Research Associate at the Jewish Music Research Centre of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His publications include The Most Musical Nation: Jews and Culture in the Late Russian Empire (Yale, 2010) and “Do Zionists Read Music from Right to Left? Avraham Zvi Idelsohn and the Invention of Israeli Music,” Jewish Quarterly Review (forthcoming 2010).

  • Joel Rubin, University of Virginia

    Joel Rubin is Assistant Professor and Director of Music Performance at the University of Virginia. He has published numerous books and articles on klezmer and other Jewish musical traditions among them Klezmer-Musik (Bärenreiter/dtv, 1999) and Jüdische Musiktraditionen (Gustav Bosse-Verlag, 2001). As a clarinetist, Rubin has performed internationally and recorded extensively since the early 1980s.


