"Synonyms statements" in the Varied Repeats of C.P.E. Bach - Varied Repeats as a Structural Feature in C.P.E. Bach's works 



  • Yuval Rabin Author


The phenomenon of "Varied repeats" (Veränderte Reprise) is known and unknown, both by musicologists and professional musicians. Many know about its existence, but don't understand what it means nor the logic behind it. Often professionals assume that it refers to ornamentations or improvisations to be added during the repeats; however, this is not consistent with C. Ph. E. Bach's varied repeats. The following article is based on my dissertation, The phenomenon of varied repeats by C. Ph. E. 
Bach and its uniqueness, 2014, which I wrote under the supervision of Prof. D. Cohen and Prof. N. Wagner. In this article, I will clarify the definition of the phenomenon and its scope, mention some typical ways of varying, briefly discuss the relation between the varied repeats and the movements' structure, and conclude with the meanings of these findings. 

Author Biography

  • Yuval Rabin

    Yuval Rabin, Israeli musicologist and musician. Rabin received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University in 2014. The topic of his dissertation is, The phenomenon of varied repeats by C. Ph. E. Bach and its uniqueness.  Rabin is a professional organ and clavichord/cembalo performer, and received the Solisten-Diplom (with distinction) from – Musik Akademie der Stadt Basel in 2001. His Research interests include: Varied repeats, performance practice, analysis, organ music, Jewish music, Israeli music, and music education. Two of his commercial CDs include: C.P.E. Bach Organ music with varied repeats (MDG 906 1875-6) 2014, and Mendelssohn Organ Music (MDG 906 1786-6), 2013. He is artistic director of Jewish Music Days at Haifa University. 





