Musicology and Education: Reciprocal Interconnections 



  • Rivka Elkoshi Author
  • Yifat Shohat Author


musicology and music education, classical music for children, Audio-graphic art, invented notation, children's musical perception


Musicology and music education are apparently separate disciplines as musicologists look into theoretical-historical-cultural contexts, whereas all music education studies are ultimately about improving teaching and learning (Bresler,1995). Yet, it is our purpose to demonstrate an inherent connection between the two disciplines via two axes: (a) studying classical works for children from the composer's perspective as an "addressor" (b) studying young listeners' musical perception as "addressees". The historical-analytical context focuses on Bela Bartok's educational collection "For Children", followed by a phenomenological study that examines children's audio-graphic responses to "Study for the Left Hand" from this collection. Results are based on an experiment conducted in Israeli schools with 118 second-graders, who listened to Bartok's piece and responded graphically and verbally. Several categories of perception emerged from the data, which reflect young listeners' musical perception. Our study bears implications for composers who write music for children and for music educators who investigate their own pedagogical work. 

Author Biographies

  • Rivka Elkoshi

    Rivka Elkoshi is a senior lecturer of music at Levinsky College and the Kibuzim college in Tel-Aviv, Israel, where she teaches music at graduate levels and supervises Master theses. She supervises doctoral theses at Bar-Ilan University in Ramt Gan, Israel. Her publications include a number of books and articles in Israeli, American and British journals focusing on music cognition, musical literacy, and piano and Orff pedagogies. She has presented internationally in a number of different countries and served as a member of the editorial board of the IJEA and Art and Learning. She conducts workshops for music educators on behalf of the Education Ministry in Israel. She is a recipient of a 2004 Mofet Fellowship for a research on children's Audio-graphic art in Israel and serves as a board member of the Israeli Musicological Society.  

  • Yifat Shohat

    Yifat Shohat is a lecturer and pedagogic instructor in Levinsky College of Education, Tel-Aviv. Holding a Ph.D. in musicology, her research involves the relationship between musicology and music education, as well as interdisciplinary studies and pedagogic materials. Among her studies are a chapter in A New Perspective on Color Metaphors in Visual Arts, Literature and Music (Nova, 2017) and a chapter in Music History: From the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century (CET, 2012).





