A New Source of Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue Music from  Amsterdam 


  • Edwin Seroussi Hebrew University, Jerusalem Author


Sephardic,, Spanish-Portuguese, Amsterdam,, New York City, Netherlands, synagogue music, Jewish liturgy, Abraham Lopes Cardozo, Giuseppe Cristiano Lidarti, Jacob Nozeman, Conrad Friedrich Hurlebush, Abraham Casseres, CANTOR


The article describes and analyzes an unknown late eighteenth-early nineteenth music manuscript of Western Sephardic synagogue music containing twenty liturgical pieces for one voice, the majority of which appear in identical or similar versions in other Dutch manuscripts of Spanish-Portuguese synagogue music. The manuscript was found in the estate of Hazzan Abraham Lopes Cardozo, a Dutch-born Sephardic cantor who served at the Spanish- Portuguese congregation of New York City for most of the second half of the twentieth century. Most of the music in the manuscript is for the Sabbath liturgy, and it was mostly composed during the second half of the eighteenth century. 

Author Biography

  • Edwin Seroussi , Hebrew University, Jerusalem

    Prof. Edwin Seroussi is Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology and Director of the Jewish Music Research Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His books include Popular Music and National Culture in Israel (Univ. of California, 2004) (co-written with Motti Regev), Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue Music in Nineteenth-century Reform Sources from Hamburg: Ancient Tradition in the Dawn of Modernity (Jerusalem, 1996), and Cancionero sefardí by Alberto Hemsi (Jerusalem, 1995), and he has edited several CDs of Jewish music, among them Titgadal ve-titkadash betokh Yerushalayim - Jerusalem in Hebrew Prayers and Songs (Wergo, Berlin 1996) and Chants judéo-espagnols de la Mediterraneé orientale (Inedit, Paris 1994).  





